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Important Shipping Dates

Orders placed by "Order by Date" will ship according to the "Shipping Date Estimates"

Order by Date (7 PM PST)

Shipping Date Estimates 

Pre-sale 9/3 to 9/20 Pre-sale orders ship based supply - 9/23, 9/24, 9/30 & 10/1
  9/27 9/30 & 10/1
  10/4 10/7 & 10/8
  10/11 10/15 & 10/16
10/18, Limited Supply 10/21 & 10/22


Storing Chestnuts

Curing Chestnuts

Chestnuts that have undergone curing become sweeter. This sweetness arises as the chestnut's starches transform into sugar, accompanied by a gradual reduction in moisture content. It's important to note that, before consumption, they should be allowed to dry slightly. If you've received shipped chestnuts, they would have already undergone some curing during transit. You can determine that chestnuts are cured when there is a gentle yielding sensation between the shell and the meat when pressed with your thumb.

Storing Chestnuts

Your farm-fresh chestnuts will reach within 1 to 4 days from the shipping date. Upon their arrival, store them in the coldest section of your refrigerator, still within the mesh bag they were delivered in. Chestnuts contain up to 60% water and are perishable, so it's crucial to maintain the right storage conditions. The optimal environment for storage is at temperatures between 33 to 34 degrees Fahrenheit, with humidity levels around 90%. Ideally, you should aim to use them within two weeks, but under the right conditions of coolness and high humidity, they might remain good for up to three weeks.

Our choice of mesh bags allows the chestnuts to breathe, preventing potential spoilage from condensation build-up if stored in non-breathable containers. For added precaution, placing a paper towel beneath the chestnuts can help absorb any excess moisture.

If you find yourself unable to consume all the fresh chestnuts within a couple of weeks, freezing them for long-term storage is an excellent option. Simply place the uncooked nuts in a plastic ziplock bag, remove excess air, seal it, and freeze. Up to several months, you can use these frozen nuts in a variety of recipes. To do so, thaw them in the refrigerator overnight and proceed with your chosen recipe. Keep in mind that because they are frozen raw, these nuts should be used promptly once thawed.

Farm Fresh Vs. Grocery Stored

In most cases, you'll encounter chestnuts in the grocery store's produce section, usually displayed in sizeable baskets or bins. It's worth noting that fresh chestnuts require refrigeration to maintain their quality. When chestnuts are left unrefrigerated in the store, sometimes for extended periods, their moisture content, which accounts for about 60% of their composition, diminishes rapidly.

To ensure your chestnuts stay fresh, it's advisable to refrigerate them in a well-ventilated bag, placing them in the coldest section of your refrigerator.

At our farm, we live by the motto "always buy fresh from the farmer" and emphasize the importance of knowing the source of your chestnuts. While there are numerous online sources for chestnuts, we recommend purchasing directly from the farmer rather than going through a broker or distributor, as this choice supports small businesses. It's important to acknowledge our bias as the farmers, of course!

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